If you're seeing this message, we've deactivated your community website account while we're waiting to receive your payment. Please ask your administrator to contact {{(sitedata.siteBrand == 1) ? 'Membershine' : 'HOA Start'}} at {{(sitedata.siteBrand == 1) ? 'billing@membershine.com' : 'billing@hoastart.com'}}. We'll restore your site's full functionality once your payment arrives.
{{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].firstName}}: {{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].message.substr(0, 20)}}{{(conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].message.length > 20) ? '...' : ''}}
Household Wallets
No household wallets available
1 wallet available {{userNumberOfHouseholds}} wallets availableMy Wallet
showing {{committeeSearchResults.length}} of {{committees.length}} committees
showing {{events.length}} of {{events.length}} events
There are no events that match your search criteria.
{{(eventRegistration.grandTotal > 0) ? 'Review your order and make a payment.' : 'Review your registration details.'}}
Event |
{{registerEvent.name}} |
{{packageName(eventRegistration)}} x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}} |
{{packageCost(eventRegistration)}} |
Ticket x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}} |
{{ticketCost(eventRegistration)}} |
Donation |
{{priceformatter.format(eventRegistration.sponsorAmount)}} |
Grand Total |
{{priceformatter.format(eventRegistration.grandTotal)}} |
If you use our services or purchase additional products periodically pursuant to our terms, you authorize us to debit your bank account periodically. Payments that fall outside of the regular debits authorized above will only be debited after your authorization is obtained.
Thank you for registering to this event. You will receive an email confirming your registration.
Registration |
{{eventRegistration.firstName}} {{eventRegistration.lastName}} {{eventRegistration.country == 1 ? "United States" : "Canada"}} {{eventRegistration.address1}} {{eventRegistration.address2}} {{eventRegistration.city}}, {{stateName(eventRegistration.stateId)}} {{eventRegistration.zip}} {{eventRegistration.city}}, {{eventRegistration.internationalState)}} {{eventRegistration.internationalZip}} |
{{packageName(eventRegistration)}} x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}} |
{{packageCost(eventRegistration)}} |
Ticket x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}} |
{{ticketCost(eventRegistration)}} |
Donation |
{{priceformatter.format(eventRegistration.sponsorAmount)}} |
Grand Total |
{{priceformatter.format(eventRegistration.grandTotal)}} |
There are no available folders.
There are no available files.
This folder is empty.
Name | Date Modified | Type | Size | Access | Actions |
{{item.name}} | {{item.timestampString}} | {{item.type}} | {{item.size}} | {{item.accessString}} |
{{(amenityReservation.grandTotal > 0 && !amenityReservation.anotherMember) ? 'Review your order and make a payment.' : 'Review your reservation details.'}}
Amenity |
{{reserveAmenity.name}} |
Reservation Date |
{{amenityReservation.date}} |
Time |
{{amenityReservation.startTime}} |
I have read, understand, and agree that if this amenity sustains damages during my reservation, I may be charged a damage fee of up to ${{formatMoney(reserveAmenity.maximumDamageFeeAmount)}} on the payment method I have supplied.
Thank you for reserving this amenity. You will receive an email confirming your reservation status.
Amenity |
{{reserveAmenity.name}} |
Reservation |
{{amenityReservation.firstName}} {{amenityReservation.lastName}} {{amenityReservation.country == 1 ? "United States" : "Canada"}} {{amenityReservation.address1}} {{amenityReservation.address2}} {{amenityReservation.city}}, {{stateName(amenityReservation.stateId)}} {{amenityReservation.zip}} {{amenityReservation.city}}, {{amenityReservation.internationalState}} {{amenityReservation.internationalZip}} |
Time |
{{amenityReservation.startTime}} |
{{amenityReservation.duration}} x {{(reserveAmenity.duration == 9) ? "All Day" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 0) ? "30 Minutes" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 1) ? "1 Hour" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 2) ? "2 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 3) ? "3 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 4) ? "4 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 5) ? "5 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 6) ? "6 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 7) ? "8 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 8) ? "22 Hours" : "N/A"}} Reservation |
{{priceformatter.format((reserveAmenity.perPerson) ? amenityReservation.duration * reserveAmenity.price * amenityReservation.attendees : amenityReservation.duration * reserveAmenity.price)}} |
Service Fee |
TBD {{priceformatter.format(amenityReservation.convenienceFee)}} |
Grand Total |
TBD {{priceformatter.format(amenityReservation.grandTotal)}} |
{{(due.isHouseholdDue) ? 'Household Due:' : 'Member Due:'}} {{(due.isHouseholdDue) ? due.householdTitle : currentUser.firstName+' '+currentUser.lastName}}
{{household.city}}, {{household.stateName}} {{household.zip}}
Additional Members:
{{member.firstName}} {{member.lastName}}
{{event.startDate}} {{event.startTime}} - {{event.endTime}}
There are no events.
There are no active forms.
{{ticket.formName}} - {{ticket.identifier}}
Submitted: {{ticket.created}}
amendment requested
There are no pending tickets.
in progress
in violation
There are no pending violations.
You have no payments due.